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50 % off Friday—Marvelous Monroe Sale-Sept. 25-27

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Monroe, MI 48161 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 25
10am to 5pm
Sep 26
10am to 5pm
Sep 27
10am to 5pm
Tel city drop leaf table with leaves, pads, and cattail backed chairs

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 Terms & Conditions
Cash and local checks only. Not responsible for accidents or injuries. All sales as is. No guarantees or warranties. Please bring your own movers and trucks for heavy or large items. Do not park in or block neighborhood driveways.
 Description & Details

This is a marvelous quality vintage sale in a clean home. Ranch home with a nice dry basement and garage is filled with lovely items. Furniture, household items, garage and shed items, and collectibles highlight this sale. Here is a short description. Sterling silver flatware-pattern and count to follow! hand made quilts vintage headboard and footboard whelping box F Shultz 1950s original oil on canvas art Holmes heater excellent vintage large wood tool box Toro snow shovel, electric home medical supplies- walkers, walker with seats, bed rails, bed side toilet chairs, more! vintage laundry tubs on stand beer steins and...

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