auction1 day sale 6 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Owosso, MI 48867 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, December 13th, 2024.
Dec 14

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 Description & Details

CARL GALECKA FARM AUCTION 711 W Bennington Rd, Owosso, MI 48867 Saturday, December 14, 10:00 AM Directions: M52 south of Owosso to Morrice Rd, south 3 miles to Bennington Rd, or I69 to M52 exit #105, north on M52 7 miles to Bennington Rd, east to the sale. Off road parking if weather permits. The following will be sold at public auction: FARM: Kubota L225DT tractor w/ 402 hours, diesel, w/loader JD hay wagon 2-Hay wagons Befco 150 48” 3pt rototiller Model11-150-23X JD12’ tandem disc 3pt 12’ cultivator 3 Pt 6’ disc JD 3pt 7’ flail mower JD 3pt posthole...

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