Estate of Ervidean Schneider

online only auction12 day sale 4 days remaining
  • Location Wheeler, MI 48662

Sale Starts

Nov 23

Sale Ends

Dec 4

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 Description & Details

Ervidean has moved and has decided to sell the remaining items through auction. The Schneider Estate (Formerly Pete's Auto Sales) has a 1962 ford Thunderbird, 1995 Ford Escort Wagon XL Huskee 42" Lawn Mower, Snow Blowers, Antique Parlor Love Seat and Chair, Cabinets, Dressers, Fashion Jewelry, Toy Collectible Cars, Car Parts (Hub Caps, Head Lights, Bumpers and more), Air Compressor, Pro-Lift 4000lb Jack, Washer and Dryer.

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