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JL & LL Truck, Snap-On, Tools, Antiques and Household

online only auction8 day sale sale is over
  • Location Red Wing, MN 55066

Sale Starts

Jan 14

Sale Ends

Jan 21

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Thursday, January 16th from 3-5pm
Tuesday, January 21st from 3-5pm

 Description & Details

JL & LL TRUCK, SNAP-ON, TOOLS, ANTIQUES & HOUHSEOLD ONLINE AUCTION Located at 2475 Cardinal Dr Red Wing, MN 55066 BIDDING ENDS TUESDAY, JANUARY 21st @ 6:30PM OPEN HOUSES: Thursday, January 16th from 3-5pm & Tuesday, January 21st from 3-5pm TRUCK, TOOLS, LAWN & GARDEN : 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 1500LT 4x4 pickup• Snap-On tools inc socket sets, ratchets, extensions, chisels, punches, screwdrivers, taps, screw extractors, files, wrenches, ratchet wrenches, wrenches, nut drivers, hex wrenches & more• vises• Channel Lock pliers, cutters & wrenches• adjustable wrenches• steel & aluminum Ridgid pipe wrenches• wrenches• screwdrivers• Jet 10” table saw• large asst of...

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