Storehouse Rochester estate sale

estate sale3 day sale 6 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Rochester, MN 55901 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, October 9th, 2024.
Oct 10
12pm to 5pm
Oct 11
8:30am to 4pm
Oct 12
8:30am to 2pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Will honor pre numbers that are present when we open.
Keep off the property till 10 minutes before we open.
Line up in designated area
No pets allowed on the property.
Not responsible for accidents
All sales final.
Items are sold as is. Buyers responsible to load.
 Description & Details

Antiques and collectibles, chairs, dressers, wardrobes, glassware, pictures, art work, metal cabinets, violin, guitars, chelo, vintage dolls, vintage characters dolls, rockers, Mannequins, local advertising, Norwegian moving trunks, redwing, cast iron, antique music boxes, Bavarian pcs, desks, hutches, farm toys, 1970's hunting magazines, kirby vacuums, totes, foot stools, vintage car parts magazines, blue glass, holiday decorations and much , much more listed to come.

The Storehouse Estate Sale Co.

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