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Terrific Grandview Finds Antiques and More!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Grandview, MO 64030 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 15
10am to 3:30pm
Nov 16
10am to 3pm
Nov 17
11am to 1pm
Solid oak table, shown with 4 of 8 leaves.

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All items marked $1 will remain one dollar on discount days.

First day full price, second day half price. Sunday is 75% off. We always take bids to secure your purchase for the second day.
No public restrooms.

We cannot answer any questions about price or availability in advance.
All sales are final.
 Description & Details

This sale has a lot of great items, featuring but not limited to: antique bakers rack pie safe lNice king mattress and frame that replaced box spring. Trunks, crocks Secretary Corner curio Two nice handmade bookcases Whirlpool deep Freezer Nice washer dryer lots of metal shelving units kitchenware Stainless steel rolling kitchen island electronics perfect dining room table for the holiday- EIGHT LEAVES!! Sits 16-20!!! Goes down to four seats! Stackable Conference chairs Stackable Church chairs marble top wash sink Patio table, outdoor umbrellas more to come!

Bluebird Estate Sales

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