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Lucky Strike Estate Sales, LLC

auction1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Imperial, MO 63052 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 19

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 Description & Details

It's a big and wonderful auction tonight! Bring a van & friend! Preview at 4, Auction starts at 5:30. Meatloaf is the dinner special. Dealers welcome! Secondary pickup is available for furniture on Friday morning if necessary. 50/50 Drawing at 7pm. Featured Items of the Auction include: *Fine Collectibles - Coins, Cast Iron, Costume Jewelry, Wedgewood & Waterford Crystal *Vintage Collectibles - Records, Records, Records...A great record collection in the finest condition we have seen! Die Cast Cars, Hot Wheels, Baseball Cards, Newspapers, Pepsi Collectibles, Budweiser Clock, Budweiser Lighted Sign, Marbles, Comics, Knives, Watches, Pixie Elf Figurines, Doll Furniture *Furniture...

Lucky Strike Estate Sales

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