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50% off Packed 60 + Year Estate Sale Racing Train Baseball Memorabilia - Jimmy Hoffa Autograph

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Liberty, MO 64068 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 8
9am to 5pm
Feb 9
9am to 5pm
Feb 10
9am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

Packed 60 plus Year Estate Collection! Unique sale of a professional photographer. He and his wife's travels lead them to cover NASCAR, Sprint Car, Indy Car, Dirt Track and Open Wheel races across the country, as well as a variety of sporting events. This life time collection includes the magazines, programs, autographs, brochures, photos, badges and related memorabilia from the past 60 years of their travels. 50% off 9am-12pm - 75% 12pm-3pm on SATURDAY The Sale will include: 2 Refrigerators Jimmy Hoffa Autograph (Original) Sold Tons of Racing Memorabilia: Programs, Magazines, Badges/Buttons, Souvenir Racing Hats that are fully Autographed by...

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