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Last Minute THURS. 1pm-6p Downsizing Sale in St. Peters...Steve & Sheri (BBB Accredited/22+ yrs exp)

moving sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Saint Peters, MO 63376 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 11
1pm to 6pm
There are actually 6 chairs to this set, only 5 shown..the other was in another room being used when I took the photo!

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 Description & Details

Sometimes we do things just because someone needs help. This is the case with this sale. An elderly couple sold their condo and it has a very quick closing date. They can't take everything with them, so we're trying to help them with a quick, one-day only, moving sale. THE SALE WILL BE IN THE FINISHED LOWER LEVEL, and you can enter there or through the front door, going directly downstairs. THE SALE WILL BE THURSDAY 1pm to 6pm. We will never close before the stated time.If you come by after, and signs are still out, we're still open so...

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