974 lots of Antiques & Collectibles

online only auction22 day sale last day of sale
  • Location Wright City, MO 63390

Sale Starts

Nov 20

Sale Ends

Dec 11

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Online Only Auction with 974 lots of Antiques & Collectibles including: Holt Howard Christmas, ceramic Christmas trees, 6' Pom & wall Aluminum Christmas trees & other vintage Christmas. Antique Woodward's Candy tins, Candy boxes, calendars and more. Native American artifacts, sculptures, baskets and pottery, Antique inkwells, a V. Caradossi signed bronze Figural lamp, A Franz Hermle clock with garnitures, A Hollywood Regency metal leaf wall lamp, uranium glass, A large aluminum Coca-Cola carousel horse, a 5' wooden cigar store Indian Indian, an antique Merrick's spool cabinet. An antique 5' Bavarian painted carved wood sled, antique silhouettes, antique furniture including a...

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