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Downsize great antiques and mcm

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Meridian, MS 39301 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 6
9am to 4pm
Dec 7
9am to 4pm
Dec 8
10am to 3pm
HEYWOOD Wakefield set. wishbone butterfly dining table and 4 dog biscuit chairs

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For this sale Is preferred cash, check with ID. . Also, credit card (3.5 % added) PayPal/Venmo. Please bring help to move large and/or heavy items. Not responsible for accidents. Hope to see you Ty Ellen.
 Description & Details

A collector has downsized. Here’s your opportunity on some great stuff. My favorite are the antique church stain glass windows. Two pairs that stack to continue the gorgeous motif. (4 total.) Beautiful L shape modern . Modern 1950s HEYWOOD WAKEFIELD wishbone butterfly dinning table and set of 4 dog biscuit back chairs. Everything in this home s in excellent condition. Well kept with no pets or smoking etc. Art deco mesh purses. Cranberry glass. Sev med oriental rugs. 1970’s country French bedroom furniture. Lots of good kitchen and GRISWALD IRON PCs. Dutch oven etc. Maytag w/d set. Bunk beds for...

Ellen's Antiques & Interiors

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