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The Holland Living Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Ridgeland, MS 39157 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 12
9am to 1:30pm
Oct 13
1pm to 4:30pm

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 Description & Details

If you are a caterer or love to cook, This sale has everything you ever dreamed of !! We have a King Size bed, Purses, Vintage Hats, Shoes, Some Clothes, China, Dining Table and Chairs, so much Holiday Decorations, Tools, Outdoor Furniture, Pots, Antique Clocks, Regular Clocks, Antique Parlor Sofa and Chairs, Gorgeous Tablecloths, Silver Tea Service, Vintage Post Modern Lamps, Paintings, Iron Firescreen, Iron Antique Bell, Glassware, Coffee Table, Pub Table, Vintage Dolls, Tons of Camera Equipment, Mirrors, Iron Cookware, Brass Alter, Dunroom Sofa, TVs, Antique Baby Chair, KitchenAid Mixer, Antique Pie Safe, Red Washer and Dryer, Cookbooks Galore,...

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