A Tribute to Frank Mesich and "A Century of Brass" Online Auction by Caring Transitions - Ends 11/17

online only auction16 day sale 12 days remaining
  • Location Apex, NC 27502

Sale Starts

Nov 2

Sale Ends

Nov 17
aNueNue Ukulele Model Oahu Koa lll RESERVE 300 USD

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 Description & Details

Caring Transitions of Apex and Cary warmly welcome you to A Tribute to Frank Mesich and "A Century of Brass" Online Auction on CTBids! A Tribute to Frank Mesich and "A Century of Brass"! It is an honor for us to present this sale! Frank Mesich, who passed away last year, was a well-known and recognized musician who lived in Cary, NC. We are presenting a part of his amazing Instrument and musical equipment collection. Featured lots: aNueNue Ukulele Model Oahu Koa lll / RESERVE 300 USD; Bob Taylor GS Mini Bass / RESERVE PRICE 400 USD; Bose Personalized Amplification...

Caring Transitions of Apex and Cary

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