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Estate Sale by E.Matthews in Lansdowne 28270 Sat is discount Day

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Charlotte, NC 28270 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 15
9am to 2pm
Nov 16
9am to 1pm
And through back deck

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Please Note NC now requires a State and county Tax to be added of 7.25% to all sales at the estate s...
 Description & Details

Estate sale in the Lansdowne neighborhood Nov. 15 & 16 times Fri. 9-2 Sat. 9- 1 -Sat. Is Discount Day starts at 9 am Enter through back Deck Sofa & Loveseat Nice fabric swivel chair Smaller dining room table with four chairs Several vintage pieces of furniture see photos Vintage medical examiner chair Vintage set of scales with wooden base New inbox TV with DVD combo 12 + Oriental vintage rugs and a few newer ones - lots of Rugs sold 8 quilts most are Machine stitched - hand quilted Lamps, Art, miscellaneous household items and home decor Some kitchen...

Estate Sales By E. Matthews

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