Antique, Vintage and Collectable Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 5 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Gastonia, NC 28054 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, December 5th, 2024.
Dec 6
9am to 3pm
Dec 7
9am to 3pm
Dec 8
10am to 2pm

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 Description & Details

Are you looking for Antique furniture, Vintage collectables and/or scrap-booking supplies.... well you've hit the Pickers Paradise of estate sales!!! A life time of hand curated items!!! A must See!!!! Antique Chest of drawers Antique Ice Box Antique Sewing stand Antique Side table Antique 3 tiered table a ton of Antique chamber pots & urinals Antique Victorian adult potty chair Antique rocking chairs Antique and Vintage lamps tons of Antique and Vintage pictures Vintage jeans, clothing and coats Vintage Coke-a-cola collectables Antique milk bottles Antique and vintage kitchen ware Vintage pie plates Native American pieces Angels and Nativity scenes galore...

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