estate sale2 day sale 26 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Henderson, NC 27536 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, October 31st, 2024.
Nov 1
11am to 4pm
Nov 2
9am to 2pm
$225 . Pair rose medallion urns, 14 “ high 7 “ across. Scalloped edge top with scenes of male and female figures on veranda. Flowers and butterflies in profusion. Gilded handles

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Sorry do not take credit cards or Vemo.Cash or local checks only but ATM machines close by.
Please bring your own packing materials.
There will be no one to help carry items.
There will be very limited access to inside the house on days of sale.
 Description & Details

You can always make more money but you might never find these things again. This sale is the first in “divorcing” myself from a 50 year collection of antiques and collectibles purchased from mostly local estate sales. It was fun hunting and gathering all this merchandise but the time to downsize is at hand. I am going to list the price for many of the pieces. If you want to purchase for the price listed, contact me by "Message Seller" and I can send more detailed pictures and provide provenance. We can make arrangements for items to be picked up...

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