Outstanding Raleigh Oakwood Estate Tag Sale

estate sale2 day sale 44 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Raleigh, NC 27604 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, January 24th, 2025.
Jan 25
9am to 3pm
Jan 26
9am to 3pm
1901 Historic Oakwood Home

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 Description & Details

Outstanding Oakwood Estate Tag Sale!! This sale will take place in a home built in the early 1900's with a large barn in the back from the same era which was occupied by a gentleman known as "The Father of The Greenways". Items to include the following: Vintage Glassware, Antique Furniture, Franklin Mint Jazz Album Set, Records, Military items, Sports cards & related items, Vintage Pottery, Vintage Wood, Antique Books, Lots of Art, Lots of Flamingo items such as art and figures, Very Large Stamp Collection and Much more. Stand by for more information and pictures!!

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