Incredible downsizing sale in South Mills NC

estate sale2 day sale 14 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in South Mills, NC 27976 will be available after 9:00am on Saturday, October 12th, 2024.
Oct 17
4pm to 7pm
Oct 18
9am to 4pm

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 Terms & Conditions
We accept cash, check or credit card at 7% tax fee. We are not responsible for accidents or mishandled items that get broken by the customer. If you plan on purchasing large items, please bring help to load. All individuals must grab a number from the outside table prior to entering the home, no pre-sales, or entering the home prior to the sale. All shoplifters will be prosecuted.
Our sales are fun and upbeat with lots of laughter and good times, we hope to see you at one soon!
 Description & Details

All the contents of this downsizing sale have been moved to the garage and barn on the property. This sale has a multitude of items including a 1986 Harley Davidson FXR EVO engine! Other items include: Collectibles, Jewelry, Framed Art work, Furniture, Vintage Bicycles, Glassware, Tools, Power & Electric yard tools, Exercise equipment (Sole elliptical), Books, Cookware (some new in box), Knives, A unique Chess set, Sports memorabilia, An 8 foot pool table (Photos coming soon), Dish ware, Outdoor furniture, And so much more!,

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