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Revised Date Wilkesboro Estate Sale (deceased)

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Wilkesboro, NC 28697 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 3
11am to 6pm
Oct 4
10am to 3pm

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PLEASE BE ADVISED: Customers must bring help to load furnitu...
 Description & Details

50% off everything starting at 10-3 today only. We are liquidating the personal property before closing the home has been sold. Included in the sale will be.... Furniture Household Like a new recliner sofa Dining table with 6 chairs Desk Office chairs Office cabinet Filing cabinets Kitchen items Tools Costume jewelry Linens Books Christmas Barbie's Other vintage dolls Christmas Decorations Gone With the Wind collector plates Tons of ladies' clothing mainly (small) Handbags, shoes Men's suits, clothing Craftsman 46" riding mower Implements Air tank Porter cable Wheelbarrow Yard tools Ladder Plus more

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