Millea Bros "SELECT" (Day 2 of 3)

online only auction1 day sale 4 days away
  • Location Boonton, NJ 07005

Sale Starts

Dec 5

Sale Ends

Dec 5
Charles Neal, large oil on canvas

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ASIAN ART | AMERICAN, BRITISH ART & ANTIQUES | SILVER Featuring an exciting array of newly deaccessioned pieces from the prestigious Minneapolis Institute of Art, including a large collection of English and American silver, highlighted by a rare Boston silver cup by Edward Winslow, c. 1680, and a selection of sterling tableware by celebrated English silversmith Paul Storr, among others. Museum offerings will also include a J.C. Brown Acorn clock, as well as a large number of Japanese and Korean art and ceramics, and a group of lithographs by Wanda Gág. Highlights also include an important group of American artworks...

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