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Antiques , Mantiques, Tools and More!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Clark, NJ 07066 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 15
10am to 3pm
Nov 16
10am to 3pm
Ceramic Pumpkin

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 Description & Details

Home of a mechanic and all around handy man. Packed garage and basement. Mowers, tiller, edger, weed whackers. Generator, dozens of mechanic tools and shop tools. Hand held power tools, table saws. Wall mount shop vac. several steel tool cabinets. Large snow blower, several garden hand tools, rakes, shovels, more. Wheelbarrow, garden cart. The list goes on! Also collectables. China and crystal, Holiday decor. An antique Columbia bicycle. A second vintage bike. Rods and reels including bamboo rods. Krill baskets. Some coins including proof sets. Ephemera and old books Furniture for every room. Patio set. Kitchen items. SO MUCH MORE!...

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