A Forty (40) Year Collection Of Sports memorabilia & Coca- Cola merchandise m
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Forty year collection of Coca-Cola merchandise and memorabilia, sports memorabilia, baseballs, gloves, hats, banners, cards, cups, clocks, photographs, mugs, bobble heads, toy trucks, flags, sport books & magazines, Coca-Cola figurines, toys, banners signs, mugs, clocks, coolers, signs, clocks, vintage bottles, tray, tins, popcorn machines, Vintage Wheaties boxes, die-cast cards, train set,Hess Truck collection, street signs, Lincoln logs, electronics, record albums, Derek Jeter merchandise, furniture, rugs, lamps, artwork, pinball machine, Barbie dolls, bedroom set, designer reading glasses, clocks, artwork, tools, yard tools, patio furniture, BBQ, lounge chairs, clothing, shoes, pocketbooks, and so much more.
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