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Ann's Tag Sales - Oradell Estate/ World Traveller

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Oradell, NJ 07649 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 4
10am to 3pm
Oct 5
10am to 3pm

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Numbers Friday 9 am for organized entry at 10am start.
There will be a limited amount of people al...
 Description & Details

Our favorite Sales are those that have a cross section appeal so yes at first glance this one appears to be mostly South Western/Native American in feel but when pulled apart you will quickly realize it has: Furniture : Mid Century: Design Institute Dining room table, chairs & display cabinet; Vladimir Kagen Style Swivel Lounge chairs; Alex Stuart Designs credenza; Mission/Southwestern Sante Fe Style: cabinets; coffee tables; work desk & credenza; Libretto desk; Stickley; Dell Woodworks; Charles & David; Antique Oak: Eastlake beds; dressers; chairs; tables; display/book cabinets; Also Barrister style bookcases; pair almost new Tempur-Pedic adjustable twin mattresses; Shelving;...

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