50+ Years of Collecting Tools, Locks, Keys, & Estate Items

by appointment2 day sale 6 days away
  • Address This sale in Paterson, NJ 07501 is a "By Appointment" sale. Please see sale info below for details.
Nov 8
10am to 2pm
Nov 9
10am to 2pm
50+ years of collecting is inside this shop

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 Terms & Conditions
-Call York to make an Appointment- 201-655-2281. Leave a Voicemail!

-All items purchased As-is.

-The homeowners and myself are not responsible for any injuries or accidents on the property.

Questions- Happy to chat- Call or text York 201-655-2281 (Leave VM)
 Description & Details

^^^^^Read all Terms & Conditions Above^^^^^ *Former locksmith with a 50+ year collection of tools, locksmith items, & safe related items. Important: Tons of smalls in this home. Please bring your own boxes for easy carrying. There is parking on the 2 side streets. When your done shopping, pull up to the front of the home and load up! There is so much stuff here so be prepared to dig and have fun. Bring a flashlight! Categories are in photo order: Toys- Diecast banks, Trains, Tin, & General collectible toys Signs & Advertising- Neon signs for the store, Repro hunting...

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