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11/30 Remington Bronze, Rare Collectibles & Finds 800+

online only auction17 day sale sale is over
  • Location Henderson, NV 89002

Sale Starts

Nov 14

Sale Ends

Nov 30

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 Description & Details

Dive into a treasure trove of 800+ unique collectibles and rare finds! This auction offers a remarkable array of vintage and collectible items that will captivate any enthusiast. Discover classic Frederic Remington sculptures, stunning Hummel figurines, a beautiful 4-panel Japanese silk screen, and an array of vintage Atari games. Browse through rare beer and neon bar signs, unique casino trinket boxes, a La Scala accordion, and a dazzling collection of Macy’s crystal jewelry. Our selection includes Japanese Imari porcelain, authentic Japanese ceramic dolls, and a vintage Ouija board—perfect for the unique collector. With memorabilia like a Brenda doll from 90210,...

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