Michael Jackson Signed Art Collection

online only auction•1 day sale •8 days away
  • Location North Las Vegas, NV 89031

Sale Starts

Oct 13

Sale Ends

Oct 13
ORIGINAL COLLECTION ALL LOTS /Art Signed by Michael Jackson  - 76 Pieces - 26 are Double

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Effective Date: August 30, 2023
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 Description & Details

Artwork / Fine Art / Signed by Michael Jackson - 76 Pieces in Total - 26 are Double Sided Every piece of art comes with a signature authentication certificate from world renown Roger Epperson. This Signed Art by Michael Jackson. 76 pieces make up this rare collection,some pieces are double sided and signed by Michael Jackson on both sides. Each piece comes with a Certificate of Authenticity of signature by world renowned music memorabilia signature expert Roger Epperson. Each piece comes with its own detailed description and date of creation. Most pieces are hand drawn with wax colored pencil and...

King's Auctions Inc

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