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Downsizing Getting Rid of Storage Units Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Carmel, NY 10512 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 1
9am to 4pm
Nov 2
9am to 4pm
Records and memorabilia

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 Terms & Conditions
Cash Only. IMPORTANT: Bring Help and a Truck to load large items, we will NOT move them. I am going to stress we will NOT move furniture items. You must bring enough people and a vehicle to fit it.

PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BOXES AND WRAP. I cannot stress bring your own bags and boxes!!!

Not Responsible for Accidents.
 Description & Details

We are managing another unusual sale. This one is more of a downsizing sale. The client wanted to get rid of his storage units. The sale is taking place in 3 rooms inside a private house. There will also be a mini Flea Market on the deck! . Items for sale include: Lots of vintage and modern Christmas, DVDs, Bar Signs and Memorabilia, Toys/Games, Kitchenware, Old School Cash Register from a New York Bar, Records/45s, artwork, Fire Dept. Memorabilia, Vintage Doorknobs, Buttons, Sewing Machine, Jewelry, large collection of You Tooz toys - Let the pictures do the telling. More items...

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