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estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Cheektowaga, NY 14225 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 15
10am to 4pm
Nov 16
10am to 4pm

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 Description & Details

This tidy home is loaded with tools and more: Rolling tool cabinets and top chests, mechanic and other hand tools, cutting tools, drill bits, saw blades, welding sets, body tools, pneumatic tools, so many handheld corded and cordless power tools, pipe threading equipment, vises, clamps, specialty tools, battery chargers, propane heaters, shop vacs, WorkMate, many cabinets, bins and storage drawers, a large trove of fasteners, abrasives and consumables and just more than can be listed. The house features a huge collection of vintage games and toys, electronics, LPs, Esteban guitar, Air Force uniforms and insignias, lovely furnishings, great kitchenware, china,...

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