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Fantastic, Huge Selections from Multiple Estates

moved offsite to store4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Rochester, NY 14623 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 22
11am to 5pm
Jan 23
11am to 5pm
Jan 24
11am to 5pm
Jan 25
11am to 5pm
mcm desk

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 Description & Details

Stickley Dining Room, Living Room and Bedroom Furniture, Natuzzi Leather Sofas and Chairs, MacKenzie Childs both vintage and current, Ethan Allen Dining and Living Room Furniture, Room & Board Quartz Top Dining Table, All Wool Rugs, Table and Floor Lamps, Mid Century Modern Bedroom sets, tables and chairs, Original and Limited Edition Art of all Sizes, Handblown Glass Vases, Bottles and Bowls, Pottery Bowls and Vases, Many signed by artist, Many Asian Accessories, Chests, and Tables, Rustic Stools, Pedestals, Tables and Chairs, Many Amish made Tables and Chairs, Wall Clocks, Floor Clocks, Grandfather Clocks, Paper Weights, Perfume Bottles and other...

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