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Estate Sale with Antiques

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Salt Point, NY 12578 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
  • Directions
    Taconic State Parkway to the Bulls Head Road Exit. Head East, house is 2 miles on the right side of road. 
Nov 29
9am to 2pm
Nov 30
9am to 2pm
Dec 1
9am to 1pm
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 Terms & Conditions
Sale begins at 9 am each day. No early birds please.

All sales are in person at sale & final, nothing is being sold in advance of the sale

Cash & Venmo only. Cell service is limited, please bring cash as Venmo is not available for everyone. No checks or credit cards.

Please bring assistance & a vehicle to load large items. Please note that some of the larger items may need to be dissembled to be moved.
 Description & Details

Estate sale with European and Primitive furnishings, tables, chairs, rugs, home decor, paintings, toys and more!  This beautiful home was the residence of a poet laureate, everything in the home is meant to inspire and delight both guests and residents.  It is the perfect alternative to Black Friday shopping, there is a gift for everyone on your list!  

Everything remaining on Sunday will be marked down! 

Kari-in, Kari-out LLC

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