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Sayville, NY Estate Sale by All American Tag Sales

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Sayville, NY 11782 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 3
10am to 2pm

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 Description & Details

Sayville Estate Sale In-Person Mid Century Furniture, Artwork, Prints, Ceramics, China, Yamaha Paino, Teak Dressers, Teak China Hutch, Model Boats, Lane Coffee Table, Hotwheels, Match box cars, Mid Century Sofa Bed, Pottery, Glazed pottery, Costume jewelry, Art prints, Kitchenware, Stoneware, Cranberry glass set, German Beer Steins, Stain Glass lamp, Garage items, Model Ship making items, Collectitable Colored glass bottles, Model Ship & Boats, Records, Cds, Cassettes, Mid Century Coffee table, Mid Century Dressers, Mid Century Sofa with pull out bed, Vintage items, Danish chairs, Books, Sterling flatware set, Digging throughout the basement. Much more to come, Check back for pictures....

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