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Cleveland West Side Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Cleveland, OH 44111 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 6
10am to 3pm
Sep 7
9am to 1pm
Sep 8
10am to 1pm

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Cash, debit/credit cards accepted. No checks.

Bring help if purchasing larger or heavier items. No help is available to assist in moving heavy items.

Not responsible for accidents.

Street numbers neither honored nor exchanged.

Unless other arrangements are made, all items must be removed by 4pm on the last day of the sale.
 Description & Details

No pre-sales or pricing info given out before the sale To get an entry number for the first day of the sale, please go to for the sale event: Cleveland West Side Estate Sale (available the Thursday before the sale, 6 pm). You do not need a number to get in, but people with numbers get priority entry! We have an interesting sale coming up at the start of September on the west side of Cleveland, not too far from W. 117th! Highlights include: collectible dolls, including McMemories, Seymour Mann, Anne Geddes, Lissi, Knowles, Ann Timmerman, Danbury Mint, and...

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