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Appointment Only @ The Landings Maumee

by appointment2 day sale sale is over
  • Address This sale in Maumee, OH 43537 is a "By Appointment" sale. Please see sale info below for details.
Sep 21
10am to 4pm
Sep 22
10am to 4pm

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Cash, checks and credit cards accepted.
Please be courteous with parking!
Bring your own bags if possible!
Can't wait to see you :-)

No valuables ever left on property!!

"LIKE" us on facebook for lots more pics and inside info :-) "S. Sterling Estate Sales"
 Description & Details *****Appointment only sale****** Imported German light oak furniture, Italian leather sofa & loveseat, Art, Collectible glass & china, Microscope, Empire table, Lamps, Live plants, Patio table and tea cart, French style occasional chairs, Pew style bench, Sign -up on our Facebook business page (you do not need to be a Facebook user to do this) 'S. Sterling Estate Sales' or text 419-215-5365 and leave message Address will be sent to appointment holders

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