Dad worked 40 years Ohio Bell, XXLarge Estate Sale, Tools, Furniture Etc

estate sale2 day sale 18 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Medina, OH 44256 will be available after 9:00am on Friday, November 1st, 2024.
Nov 2
9:30am to 4pm
Nov 3
10am to 4pm
Fully functioning wood phone booth

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Cash Only, Bring help to load large items, not responsible for accidents, 20 people in at a time, no large bags or backpacks please.
 Description & Details

Years of collections from Tools to sports memorabilia, housewares, antiques. * Wood fully functional telephone booth *Antique cabinets *Antique desk and chair *Bakers Racks (2) *Multiple Paintings, pictures, sports shots *Old Magazines, posters, books, vintage materials and music books and sheets *Golf Items *Cleveland Sports Items, Indians, Browns, Cavs *Jewelry, watches etc *Antique toys *Large Steamer Trunk *Rattan furniture *Unique Dishware sets *Original fiesta ware *Medical equipment and accessories *Telephones and memorabilia (he worked for phone company for 40 years) *Santa collections and beautiful Christmas decor *Expensive cowboy hats (Stetson etc) *Antique dolls *Records, cds, player *Reel to Reel recorder...

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