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Dempsey Auctions Victorian Glass, Toys, Silver Coins, Antiques

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  • Address The address for this sale in Painesville, OH 44077 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 23

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Items sold at auction. Buyers premium is 13% for credit cards and checks, 10% fo...
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Accepting quality consignments only, call first. Call Dennis Dempsey at 440-983-1427. Lots of antique glass, porcelain and china. White ironstone pitcher and bowl sets. Victorian glass, Fenton blue lamps, Daisy and Fern, Dot Optic, Swirl, Coin Dot, Spanish Lace, Cranberry, Mary Gregory, water pitcher and glass sets, lamp shades and globes, oil lamps, lamp parts. Weller Louwelsa vases, roseville Donatello, Tarase, RS Prussia. Victorian opalescent and colored glass curtain tie backs. GE smart front load washer and dryer. Heywood Wakefield mcm desk. Canadian coins-silver dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels. US buffalo nickels, lincoln cents 1864 2 cent piece, 1847 flying eagle...

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