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Something for Everyone in Perrysburg

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Perrysburg, OH 43551 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 3
9am to 5pm
Oct 4
9am to 5pm
Oct 5
9am to 4pm

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No valuables ever left on property!!

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 Description & Details

Charming sale just packed with a great variety of items from old to new! Jam packed garage with many tools, yard and garden items, overflow kitchenware, office supplies, collectibles and more!, Packed kitchen - high quality cookware, small appliances, many new/newer items, sets of china., Formal dining table/chairs and buffet, Beautiful large wall unit, Occasional chairs, Drop-front desk, Small desk, Sofa table, Credenza, Leather chair with ottoman, Tall book shelves, Queen bed, Chest of drawers and dresser, King bed, French Provincial dresser and chest of drawers, Coffee tables, Lot of lady's clothing, Great lady's shoes - size 7.5, Holiday galore,...

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