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Don't Miss This Sale in Vandalia

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Vandalia, OH 45377 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 25
10:30am to 5pm
Oct 26
10:30am to 4pm
Oct 27
11am to 3pm
Gorgeous XL transfer ware teapot..Spode Copeland

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 Terms & Conditions
This is a cash only sale. Please bring help for moving and loading larger purchases.
All purchased items must be removed from sale location by 5:00 PM on last sale day.
We do not provide prices on items prior to the sale, and we do not sell items prior to the start of a sale.
 Description & Details

WOW!  There is so much great stuff.  Its a good place to start your Christmas shopping. This is a magnificent sale full if top quality antiques, high end china and glassware, crystal and art.  Large selection of antique pewter, Spode china and more!. We are still unpacking closets and basement rooms to get this one set up.  Pictures will be added daily until the sale begins


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