estate sale2 day sale 3 days away
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  • Address The address for this sale in Ashland, OR 97520 will be available after 8:00am on Thursday, October 10th, 2024.
Oct 11
9am to 4pm
Oct 12
9am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

'TERRIFIC' ASHLAND ESTATE SALE BY HALSTEAD'S HELPING HANDS ESTATE SALES! A fun sale for sure! Our passed fellow was an appreciator of Art Carvings, Alaskan/Canadian Art, Native American Art, and a World Traveler, and an enjoyer of life! FURNITURE-Suede Sofa, Suede Love Sofal. Large Overstuffed Neutral Tone Comfy Chair. Viper Industrial Stool. Queen Mattress, King Bedroom Platform Base. King Fabric Wall Headboard. Mobility Armchair. Bookkcases. Antique Hoosier Cabinet. Vintage Highboy Dresser. Small Vintage Dresser. Traditional Highboy Dresser. Several Side Tables. Dining Room Table and 4 Diniing Chairs. Fold Out Dining Table. Two Side Cabinets. Twin Loft Bunk Bed w/Activity Area....

Halstead's Helping Hands Estate Sales

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