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Unique Estate With Lots Of Antiques

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Powell Butte, OR 97753 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 1
9am to 4pm
Nov 2
9am to 4pm

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We will put a sign up sheet out at 8am. If you arrive before 8 PLEASE keep track of your place in li...
 Description & Details

INTERESTING & UNIQUE SALE -OWNER STILL LIVING IN HOME, DO NOT DISTURB RESIDENCE- MANY RELICS ON PROPERTY WILL NOT BE FOR SALE-SALE WILL BE IN LARGE SHOP/GARAGE & POLE BARN/MANCAVE . SOME ITEMS IN MANCAVE WILL NOT BE 4 SALE-BUT CLEARLY MARKED WHAT IS & ISNT 4 SALE!! Sale includes many interesting items collected over a lifetime including: antique oak furniture, large vintage camera collection, antique oil lamps, crocks, Pyrex, China sets, lots of old advertising items, antique tools, Griswold & other cast iron, enamelware collection, old automotive items, snowshoes, trunks, sterling souvenir spoons, vintage beverage collection, old bottles &...

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