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Stewartstown Estate Sale

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Stewartstown, PA 17363 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 3
8am to 1pm

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Cash and credit cards are accepted. No checks please. Please bring help if you plan to purchase large items. Please park in designated areas and be careful not to block driveways of other homes in the area. Observe the speed limit.
 Description & Details

Hop To It Estate Sales. 112 W Abington Circle Stewartstown Pa 17363. This home has a brass bed, bedroom furniture, small portable safe, cameras, TVs, Books Books Books, Fenton, Indiana Glassware, Vintage Barbie Dolls, Holiday Decor, Home Decor, Flatware, Cuisinart Coffee Maker, Cleaning supplies, Paper Goods, Tools Tools Tools, Craftsman Chair, Outdoor Storage Containers, Artwork, Appliances, Men's and Women's Clothing, Travel Bags, Disney DVDs and Cassette, Records And CDs, Sound Bar, Lighting, Vintage and New Cookware, Vintage Corning Ware, Shelving, Furniture, Blackstone Grill, Sports Memorabilia and much more. Come out and see us. Cash and credit cards accepted. Please bring...

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