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Estate of Mind - an Antique Dealer's Curated Inventory

moving sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in North Augusta, SC 29841 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 15
9am to 3pm
Nov 16
9am to 2pm

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 Description & Details

Bob and Barbara Sweeney lived in Atlanta for a number of years. They were dealers in multiple malls and set up at Scotts Antique Market monthly. They also participated in high end Antique Sales throughout the Southeast. This collection is an amazing Curation of European, French and English antique furnishings, art and smalls. You won't find this incomparable quality outside of major cities’ antique store. Cast Iron PastryTable with original paint, bull heads and wood top Pair of Large French Lobed and footed Cachepots Pair of French carved small mirrors Khilim Rug Antique Wicker Antique Flow Blue transferware Gould hand...

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