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estate sale3 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Chattanooga, TN 37421 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 16
9am to 2pm
Nov 17
12pm to 3pm
Nov 18
10am to 1pm

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Please listen to Parking attendants advice!!!! We do not accept credit or debit cards!!!!! We take cash and checks with proper I.D.!!!!! We are not responsible for accidents and bring help when loading !!!
 Description & Details

WHAT A UNIQUE HOME THIS IS!!! Vintage Kitchen Corelle Corning Ware Cast Iron Glassware Christmas Dept 56 Snow Villages Hallmark Ornaments Vintage Christmas QUILTS Boehm Porcelain Birds Antique Tools Antique wooden tool boxes Hummels Art, Art and more Art Artist includes: Frank Swanson, Ben Williams, Zenda, Davis Carroll George Little, Carol Ayers, Charlyne Haden, E McClure Vintage clothing Bedroom furniture Henkel-Harris Wrought Iron Furniture Antique Books Books Old Post Cards Jewelry China Cabinets Vintage kids items Please keep checking back because we are still working.

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