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Crossville Estate Sale 50% Off on Sunday

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Crossville, TN 38555 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 15
10am to 2pm
Nov 16
10am to 2pm
Nov 17
10am to 2pm

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 Terms & Conditions
We accept cash, debit, and credit cards, checks. Please bring help to load your items. Be courteous to neighbors and don't block driveways. Plenty of parking on the street. This sale runs Friday, Saturday & Sunday from 10 - 2 each day. Sunday is half-price day. - More Photos to Follow!
 Description & Details

This is a partial list of the items available: Adult Diapers & Pull Ups Syringes Jewelry 2 Sets Mattress & Boxsprings 3 Bedroom Suites Pride Jet 3 Electric Wheel Chair - hardly used. 16 Gal 6.5 hp Shop Vac Garage/workshop cabinets 2 Upright Freezers 1960's Clothes Hamper Outdoor Statuary TV Tray Tables w/ Storage Coolers Several Ladders 2 Hope Chest Clothes, Clothes & More Clothes Wall of Handbags Wall of Caps - many new Hall Tree Several Dressers & Chest Shoes Tiller, Lawn Mowers, and other Lawn & Garden items (the shed is full!) Monitor TVs Sound Bar Framed Puzzle...

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