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HUGE Estate Sale Antiques/Furniture/Tools

estate sale4 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Joelton, TN 37080 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 19
8am to 3pm
Sep 20
8am to 3pm
Sep 21
8am to 3pm
Sep 22
8am to 3pm
Blue leather sofa with disconnecting chaises, allowing different configurations of the 3 pieces and movement of the arms or disconnect all 3.

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Prepare to be excited! Resellers welcome!
 Description & Details

This sale has 3 generations of collectables and essentials packing 3 buildings - Everything Must Go! Antique Singer sewing machine in cabinet Dual FuelGenerator XP13000HX New Tractor Supply 3" Mulcher/Wood Chipper New massage chair Custom Ohlhaussen Pool Table (Excellent condition) American Heritage Collection Pool Stick stand with pool cues Over 4 Outdoor furniture table chair sets John Deer mower/Craftsman mower AgriFab lawn vacuum Weed eaters/blowers/saws/hand tools/chain saws Antique glass and collectables (too much to list!) Antique/collector beer steins, whiskey decanters, and more! Hot wheel cars (Over 100 to choose from) Collector cars Comic books Sports Equipment (Pitching machine, ball collector,...

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