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Kingston Springs Estate Sale - Tools, Household

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Kingston Springs, TN 37082 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 3
8am to 3pm
Nov 4
8am to 3pm
Nov 5
8am to 3pm

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 Terms & Conditions
We accept Debit/Credit Cards/Cash/Checks with proper ID under 150 dollars. Not responsible for accidents. Employees are not responsible for loading merchandise. All sales are final and no returns. Cashier's check and cash for the vehicles and out buildings.
You may bring open boxes, buckets and baskets for shopping.
 Description & Details

This is a windy road south of I-40 so follow GPS carefully and remember we cannot put signs up in Kingston Springs city limits. Great sale with decades of items. Large garage with old items and tools as well as a barn with years of accumulation. Scrap iron also available. Furniture: Antique dining table/chairs/hutch, buffet, sofas, antique side chairs, king bed with mattress, queen bed with mattress, antique victrola, antique radio, side tables, rockers, outdoor patio table and chairs, picnic table, bench, foot stools, book cases, video cases, desk, tv console, cedar chest, secretary, chest of drawers, brass coat rack,...

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