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Nestled in Norris **75% Off Sunday**

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Norris, TN 37828 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 20
9am to 3pm
Sep 21
9am to 3pm
Sep 22
10am to 3pm
PowerHouse Estate Sales welcome you to Nestled in Norris

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 Description & Details

PowerHouse Estate Sales welcomes you out to "Nestled in Norris" a 3 day weekend event set back in the hillside community of beautiful Norris, TN. Let's see where do we start, well to start this beautiful 3 story home is loaded with lots of treasures waiting for you. Come out and enjoy the tranquil surroundings, maybe sit by the Koi Pond and relax. Yes, a fully loaded Koi Pond and these guys are looking for a new home. From the home decor, to the holiday items, furniture, kitchen and dining, lawn and garden. Then we have office items, a work...

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