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Just Let Lynn Do It! Estate Sale - N.East Dallas Lochwood - Oct 4/5 9-4

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Dallas, TX 75218 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 4
9am to 4pm
Oct 5
9am to 4pm
Dining Room Table, 8 chairs, 2 leaves, Pecan Country French, would be great painted

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 Description & Details

Our first sale since June and we are back for one HUMONGOUS sale in Lochwood, North East Dallas. The house is PACKED. Every room is full of Antiques, Vintage and modern day items. There’s something for everyone at this house so come see us, Oct. 4/5, 9-4 Dining Room Metal Letters spelling - P E A C E - lighted (each letter battery operated) Cherry wood TV Cabinet Metal Stool Dining Room Table, 8 chairs, 2 leaves, Pecan, Country French, would be great painted China set, CalyxWare Adams, Singapore bird pattern Fitz & Floyd lunch and salad plates, canary yellow...

Just Let Lynn Do It!

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