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50% Off!!!!Pristine Living Estate Sale in Robson Ranch-Sale By VaChelle’s

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Denton, TX 76207 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 7
9am to 3pm
Feb 8
9am to 3pm
Painting has sold!

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 Terms & Conditions
We accept Cash, Zelle and Venmo. Credit Cards not accepted. No large bags. Security cameras in use. No children under 12. Bring help to load items, as we do not have help to load them! Not responsible for accidents. Please respect neighbors and Do Not block their driveways.
All must go! All sales are final! No returns, refunds, or exchanges, no exceptions!
 Description & Details

Ethan Allen Sofas, Arm Chair, Ethan Allen Maple Dinging table with 6 Windsor chairs, Ethan Allen Hitch, Glass top coffee table, End tables, Large Floor Globe, Shelving, TV’s, LP’s, Books, Regulator Wall Clock, Lamps, Leather Recliner, Art, Vintage Pyrex, Vintage Cookie Jars, Mikasa Dishes, Tupperware, Collectible Corning Ware, Florals, Louisville Ladder, Fashion Wear Stoneware Dishes, Metal Patio furniture, Flower Pots, Large Birdbath, Throw Pillows, Christmas linens, King Beauty Mattress and Box Springs, King Headboard and Footboard, Linens, Nightstands, Vintage Ashtrays, Fridgedaire Upright Freezer, LG Front loader Washer & Dryer, Indiana Glassware, Sony Speakers, Entertainment Canter, VHS Tapes, Sombrero, Vintages Cameras,...

Vachelle's Estate Sales

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