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Rivers Wind 50% off Sunday

moved offsite to warehouse2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Fort Worth, TX 76115 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 21
10am to 4pm
Sep 22
10am to 4pm

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 Description & Details

We're super excited to have you join us this weekend at the warehouse! We've got five awesome consignments lined up, each with a fabulous selection waiting just for you. We're talking about vintage costume jewelry from amazing brands like Nicks Folly, Grandmothers Buttons, and Nolan Miller. And that's not all - we've also got some fine jewelry from Peter Braum, JCM, and Nicky Butler. If that's not enough, we've got over 50 pieces of quality art, beautiful sculptures from a local Fort Worth artist, books scattered throughout the warehouse, modern and vintage women's clothing, shoes in size 7-7.5 (many with...

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