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Applehead Island SALE 25% off today by Miss Ruby The Estate Sale Queen

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 16
9am to 4pm
Nov 17
9am to 4pm
Thank you looking at this beautiful estate sale. You will need to text me what day and time you would like to attend along with your name so I can give to the guard. I am making appointments every hour. 
Thank you for understanding that we do not give out prices before the sale,
Looking forward to seeing you there!

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If you have been around anyone who has been ill, if you have not felt well, or have a h...
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GUARD STARTS AT 9AM. YOU CANT GET IN BEFORE THAT. PLEASE ARRIVE AT THAT TIME. CASH AND CHECKS ACCEPTED ONLY YES YOU CAN AFFORD TO SHOP HERE! PRICED TO MOVE! Items from $2 on up. Applehead island is a gated community that we are being graciously allowed to have an estate sale there. There are going to be stipulations that we will have to adhere to and use. PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE AROUND THE REST OF THE AREA AS SECURITY WILL STOP YOU. THIS IS A VERY PRIVATE AREA! YOU, the client will need to understand that we are being...

Miss Ruby The Estate Sale Queen

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